Frequently Asked Questions
In an effort to share as much current information as possible with parents and caretakers, the VHMS PTO continues to maintain this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page. Please send in your questions via the Google form below, and the PTO will gather answers from Hamilton staff. Note: we cannot guarantee that all questions will be answered. If you have a question that is more directly about your child, please email your child’s teacher. We will update this page as questions are answered. Thanks! Send your questions via this Google form: ASK A QUESTION IN ENGLISH OR ASK A QUESTION IN SPANISH
QUESTION: How does Google Classroom work?
ANSWER: Watch the “Google Classroom Overview for Families” presentation from 9/2/20 here (about 30 minutes).
QUESTION: How do students add parent/guardian access for each class after they "join" it?
ANSWER: (via Hamilton staff) Teachers can invite parents to sign up for guardian access to Google Classrooms. Please feel free to email your child’s teachers to request guardian access.
QUESTION: Can parents view the Google Classroom and see what the kids see (rather than just a summary)?
ANSWER: (via Hamilton staff) Unfortunately, guardians can't access Classroom or their student's assignments due to privacy laws. Guardians can receive email summaries, if your student's teacher allows it. See this link for an FAQ on Google Classroom guardian access.
QUESTION: Can you explain the attendance process and unexcused absences?
ANSWER: (via Hamilton staff) If you have concerns about your child's attendance, please contact us.
QUESTION: Can you clarify which days are A vs. B days?
ANSWER: (via Hamilton staff) Monday alternates between an A Day and a B Day. Tuesdays and Thursdays are B days, and Wednesdays and Fridays are A days.
QUESTION: How many hours a day should my child expect to spend on schoolwork?
ANSWER: (via Hamilton staff) Your child should plan to have a half hour of homework per day.
QUESTION: Can the 7th grade lunch be moved later?
ANSWER: (via Hamilton staff) Unfortunately, moving the seventh grade lunch would require changing schedules school-wide, which we cannot do.
QUESTION: Is there a way to incorporate a morning snack for 8th graders, who eat lunch late, and for 7th graders, who eat lunch early?
ANSWER: (via Hamilton staff) We think this is important to explore and are working to find a way to add a snack time. We have asked parents to help provide snacks.
QUESTION: Is there a list of recommended school supplies?
ANSWER: School supply lists can be found at this link. Our list is broken down by grade level. Please contact our social worker Bethany Cooke if you need help with the purchase of school supplies.
QUESTIONS: What extracurricular activities take place each year, and is there a schedule of them?
ANSWER: Yes; here’s a link to MSCR clubs and rec info. Join the MSCR Google Classroom to get weekly updates. Individual teachers may organize sports and will let students know via HTV announcements.