Take Action
General monetary donations
Donations to the PTO go directly to Hamilton staff, students, and families. Funds are used to support student activities like Math Counts, allow teachers to purchase supplies and attend trainings, and purchase cleaning supplies and other items for Hamilton families.
Our tax exempt number is 47-2607517.
If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please email VHMS social worker Bethany Cooke.
Donate gently used clothing & supplies
The PTO is requesting donations of gently used clothing, bedding, and other supplies. A list of items can be found here. Donations may be dropped off at the Hamilton office for Bethany Cooke or mailed to Hamilton Middle School. We are also requesting donations of backpacks and calculators on an ongoing basis. Thank you!
Donate snacks to the Hamilton Health Office
Middle schoolers are always hungry! Kids often come to the Health Office for snacks, and those food items run out quickly! If you can, please consider a donation of snacks to the Health Office. Drop it off in the main office or send it to school with your child. Thank you!
Volunteer for PTO events & fundraisers
Each year, we’ need volunteers to coordinate and donate food for teacher appreciation lunches, coordinate food for 8th grade graduation, volunteer at dances, and other volunteer opportunities Please contact us if you can spare some time to help! We will continue to fundraise to support teacher scholarships and classroom supplies, student clubs and teams, and other initiatives, so let us know if you can spare a few hours of your time and energy to our fundraising efforts.
Join the Social Work Connect Google Classroom
VHMS’s amazing social worker Bethany Cooke keeps her Google Classroom, Social Work Connect, updated with resources and other pertinent information. Join here.
Support Local Hamilton Family-Owned Businesses
Support our awesome local businesses, owned by Hamilton family members. Own a business that you want added to the list? Contact us.
*Please note, we are updating our list of VHMS Family Businesses and the link below is currently disabled at the moment.