Recap: 10/13 PTO Meeting
Thanks so much to everyone who joined us for the 10/13 PTO meeting! Here’s a brief recap, for those who couldn’t make it.
Principal’s Update:
The “Reconnect” piece of returning to school has been challenging for everyone. How do you move around a building, get to recess, and get to class on time, after a year+ of virtual school and two summer breaks? Hamilton staff are working on systems to support kids & staff, including adding a warning bell to help kids get to class on time.
After-school programming is growing. Rec drop-ins are gaining kids. We want to make sure all kids have the opportunity to participate.
Waiting for a playground update from the district.
The tiling project is coming along and will likely be done by winter break.
Students continue to eat outside, which he prefers and plans to continue until the temperature drops into the 40s. It’s easier to supervise lunch outside, vs. in 13 indoor locations.
Students are doing a good job wearing masks, and so many are vaccinated that in almost all cases, close contacts are vaccinated and don’t need to quarantine, per MMSD protocol.
John is a member of APP, the Assistant Principal/Principal Group (slogan: “We have an APP for that!”) that meets with the MMSD superintendent regularly. The group is asking as administrators for lead time on bus decisions and any schedule changes. Decisions will come at the start of second semester at the earliest. Buses are arriving on time. There are two cameras on every bus.
John will email PTO about snacks for staff the evening of Nov 17 conferences.
He’ll check with staff on current needs for snacks for students.
Student Services Update - Kristin Ensminger:
Supplies needed: about 4 backpacks.
We’ll strategize at end of school year to prepare backpacks for fall.
West Collaborative needs cleaning supplies. They’re doing groceries every other Friday to families, about 100 families. Schrager family will purchase supplies and deliver them to the Collaborative. PTO voted unanimously to authorize $400 of PTO funds to purchase cleaning supplies.
Clothing and other needs have been updated in the spreadsheet.
Kristin is taking Urban Triage 12-week course, and they’re digging into anti-racism components. Could the PTO fund another staff member to attend? $1475/person. Kristin will submit a funding request. PTO may be able to source other funds or do a fundraising drive specifically for this.
PTO Budget Overview/Treasurer’s Update - Adam:
Adam paid for 6th grade T-shirts and teacher back to school lunch.
Waiting for school supply fundraiser check and Roman Candle fundraiser funds.
We will have $5300 once we get school supply check.
Adam will pay out Math Counts funding (that’s factored into amount).
Adam handled outstanding items needed by Department of Financial Institutions regarding VHMS PTO’s non-profit status. Adam to provide them with additional documents, signatures, and update email address to his and PTO’s email addresses.
Fundraising Update
We sold 50 Roman Candle pizza kits. Stay tuned for more to come!
Additional Discussion
question about connecting parents of students with disabilities
overview of Hamilton PTO
discussion about challenges faced by students with disabilities and their families
Kristin and John will follow up