Recap: 1/11/23 PTO Meeting
At the 1/11/23 PTO meeting, we began by congratulating Principal Burkholder on his well deserved retirement at the end of this school year. The district has sent an email about filling the position.
Principal Burkholder had some exciting announcements, including the fact that school will start at 8:35am next year, and Hamilton will continue to use yellow buses for transportation..
The students are loving the new playground! One more piece of equipment will be added in the spring, and so will paths for wheelchair accessibility.
Parents are providing lunch during staff appreciation week; stay tuned for donation signups!
8th Grade Graduation - Thursday, June 8th, 9am-11:15am. Last year, two 8th grade parents helped order, pick up, and set out bagels and water outside West High School for the event. Please let us know if you’d like to volunteer!
West High School Orientation for 8th graders should be happening soon via Zoom.
Megan Reed (6th grade parent) offered to be the point person for 1st Day School Supplies.