Recap: 3/9 PTO Meeting
Principal’s Report - John
Staff appreciation week May 2-6, PTO Lunch will be provided (volunteers needed; PTO will fund. Marwa/Katie will set date w/John.).
District update mtg on COVID protocols 3/10.
John showed us an aerial photo of Hamilton and talked about potential new playground location. Official drawings are coming soon.
Discussion of after-school activities like cross-country, ski club, which have been impacted by COVID protocols and late dismissal time. We still don’t know what schedule will be next year. PTO is willing to provide funds to teachers willing to lead and for buses.
Katie will send John a blurb for him to share w/teachers encouraging them to request funds
8th grade Graduation: Hamilton is planning an in-person ceremony in the West High School auditorium with bagels, cream cheese, juice, coffee beforehand (need volunteers to bring food; PTO can reimburse). Kids can get bused back to school or parents can take their kids home.
8th grade team hopefully doing Governor Dodge field trip
PTO to explore decorations
Student Services Update - Kristin Ensminger (via email)
Need for hygiene supplies for families; Katie will follow up
PTO Budget Overview/Treasurer’s Update - Adam
We would love to fund staff/student requests!
Fundraising Update
Dagmara to schedule Roman Candle fundraiser in April
Dagmara is working on School Supplies fundraiser for May
LAST PTO Meeting, 6 pm: May 11
April 13’s meeting will be via email.