Recap: 1/12 PTO Meeting
Principal’s Report - John
John followed up on MMSD email re. updated mitigation strategies for COVID-19.
School will still call families with positive students with advice for isolation and sibling quarantine.
John has been arriving at school early morning; Pam arrives at 6:30; they plan for who may be out that day. Hamilton is fortunate to have regular, reliable subs. Staff have been covering for each other. Study hall contingency plan is set, should we need to implement it.
Kids have been sledding at recess; it’s good to see that fun happening.
NAEP Testing site for 8th graders this year, Feb 10, 2022. Most kids take about an hour.
Already planning for next year. Projected to increase in enrollment, back to about 750 (right now, we’re just under 700). 6th grade is anticipated to be 250, which is typical. Current 8th grade class is smallest group.
Hoping to be back to 8:35am start next year. Possibility of going back to Metro; John will keep us updated.
Marwa checked in about playground updates. John said everything is still in the exploratory process, keeping accessibility in mind. There will need to be an environmental impact report, and there will be committees formed. John will keep us posted!
Parent Andrew Shapiro thanked John & the staff for everything they’re doing, and everyone in attendance concurred!
Marwa expressed PTO interest in supporting lunches and other appreciation efforts for staff.
Student Services Update - Kristin Ensminger (via email)
Thank you so much for the gift certificates for families--Parents loved them and appreciate the gift! PTO was able to buy gift cards for 8 families for holiday gifts.
We don't need any hygiene supplies at this time
We are doing great on clothing for now
Here is the link for Urban Triage regarding the next Co-Conspirator Training. There is a waitlist.
PTO Budget Overview/Treasurer’s Update - Adam
Fundraising emails were very successful; no outstanding costs right now; so we can spend on funding requests. THANK YOU to everyone who donated so generously!
Fundraising Update
We’ll likely do another Roman Candle fundraiser this spring
Think about another email fundraising campaign
Next General PTO Meeting Dates, 6 pm:
March 9
April 13
May 11