Recap: 11/14/24 PTO Meeting
Agenda and Notes
Updates from Principal Kamoku
Cadence of Hamilton Hawks Newsletter goes out to families every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
Working through the clarity and needs of standard based grading training and supportApparel Updates
Late start and dismissal times
Reminder: Families can reach out to the MMSD School Board either written or in-person
MMSD VHMS website
Working with district to gain access to update site; such as Hamilton Headlines Newsletter
PTO proposes adding VHMS PTO site to the navigation list.
2. Apparel Updates
6th grade t-shirts have been delivered and distributed
Pop-up shop will be open for Winter and Spring
3. Treasury
We have enough to cover existing funding requests and PayPal donations that are mentioned in Hamilton Hawks Newsletter has been helpful.
4. Teacher funding requests and asks
Bethany Cooke Social Worker requested funding for $500 to hand out grocery gift cards to families in need after they have exhausted all other resources. This request has been approved.
Recurring Monthly: Health office needs gently used leggings, joggers, sweatshirts and socks of all sizes. Please drop items off at the Welcome Center.
5. Fundraising Opportunities
Sarris Candies - Dec 1 - 15th
Apparel pop-up shop Dec 1 - 31
6. PTO Headlines for upcoming Hamilton Hawks Newsletter
PTO is fundraising to cover the costs of clothing for the health office, teacher appreciation dinners, MathCounts registrations, 6th grade t-shirts, and grocery gift cards for families who are in need. Please consider donating a one-time or ongoing monetary donation using this PayPal link. All donations will be assigned to the highest need.
Health office needs gently used leggings, joggers, sweatshirts and socks of all sizes. Drop off at Welcome Center.
PTO Meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 6-7pm via zoom. Here is the link to join:
Check out the VHMS PTO website for meeting minutes and stay up-to-date on the latest news and give us a follow on VHMS PTO on Facebook!
We are looking to fill the following positions on the board: Treasurer, Secretary, and Fundraising/Events Coordinator. If interested, please email for more information.
7. Parking Lot
Media Inquiry from Spectrum News - Holly is not here but let us know that she plans to set up a video interview with her and one other parent. She will share details as she learns more
Exploring the idea of volunteers coming Hamilton from UW to help with staffing needs
8. Next PTO Meeting
Thursday, December 12, 2024 from 6-7pm via zoom. Here is the link to join the meeting: