Recap: 5/17 Meeting

Welcome - Katie

  • We welcomed 2022-2023 Secretary Nicole Schmies

  • Adam Schrager will continue as Treasurer

  • We would love to bring on additional board members to serve as president and fundraising chair. Both commitments will be reasonable. Meetings will continue to be every other month on Zoom. Please consider joining this nimble, action-oriented group that is dedicated to serving families in need, students, staff, and our community!

Principal’s Report - John

  • These last few weeks of school are focused on learning, fun, and festivities, with some real field trips. 6th grade went to a high ropes course, and many students attended a performance at Overture Center. 7th and 8th grade will get to attend end of year, full-day field trips. 

  • Staff enjoyed the PTO-sponsored teacher appreciation lunch, people were very happy.  Thank you to Holly Gibbs, Trish Ghaboussi, and their partners for handling event logistics and setup!

  • The new playground is still anticipated! We are adding instructional circles outside and just waiting on a delivery date, so we may host a work day this summer and will need volunteers to come help build the spaces outside. 

  • Enrollment numbers for next year are holding steady at about 742. Current teacher allocation is based on 690, so we anticipate adding a teacher between now and the start of school. 

  • 8th Grade Movin’ On celebration will be June 9, 9:15am, at West High School. A light breakfast will be provided by the PTO; and we’d love volunteers to help set up and ideally to also help purchase and deliver bagels and water. Set up would be 8:15-8:30 am.

Fundraising Update - Dagmara (written update)

  • 1st Day School Supplies fundraiser continues

  • Roman Candle fundraiser raised $500 for Cancer Support Walk

Cancer Support Walk Fundraising Update - Katie

  • Thank you to those families who have been able to donate to buy T-shirts for the whole school and who have donated to our fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

  • Students & staff will participate in the walk during school hours on May 26.


Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!


Recap: 4/13 PTO Meeting